Mazda MX5 for Sale in Kenya

We’ve put together a collection of the best Mazda MX5 Cars for sale in Kenya by dealers and individual sellers. All cars are genuine and all sellers are vetted.

To buy the Mazda MX5 in Kenya, Visit our marketplace:

Mazda MX-5 Roadster RF Kenya

Mazda MX-5/Roadster RF

Mazda MX5 Review

The Mazda MX-5 is a 2 passenger sports car that has been in production from 1989 to present. It’s known as the Mazda Roadster in Japan and it’s a favorite car for young people due to its affordability compared to other sports cars. In Kenya, the MX-5 is not as popular due to low demand for 2-seater cars as most people have families and they prefer bigger cars. Nevertheless, the Mazda MX-5 is an excellent weekend car for those who don’t mind its limited seating capacity. Read the full Mazda MX-5 Review