Mitsubishi Delica D2 for Sale in Kenya
We’ve put together a collection of the best Mitsubishi Delica D2 for sale in Kenya by dealers and individual sellers. All cars are genuine and all sellers are vetted.
To buy the Mitsubishi Delica D2 in Kenya, Visit our marketplace:, Or see the list of cars for sale at the bottom of this page.

Second Generation Delica D2
Mitsubishi Delica D2 Review
The Mitsubishi Delica D2 is a rebadged version of the Suzuki Solio which is a mini MPV. The Solio is derived from the Suzuki Wagon R and has been in production since 1999. The Wagon R is slightly larger but the other features are more or less the same. Read the full Mitsubishi Delica D2 Review