How To Know The Best Car Importers From The UK

How To Know The Best Car Importers From The UK

With the growing demand for European cars, car importers from the UK are setting up businesses in Kenya. Importing a car from the U is much similar to importing from Japan. The most crucial part of the process is to identify a trustworthy importer who will guarantee the safe delivery of your car. though there are still not as man car importers from the UK, it’s still important for car buyers to exercise caution while choosing their preferred importers. Here are some tips on how to know the best car importers from Japan.

Visit Their Physical Office

Most people looking to buy a car will browse online for dealerships or car importers. Since most businesses have an online presence, it’s not hard to find what you’re looking for. However, there’s a risk of falling victim to cons through online car importers. Always ensure that the car importers have a physical office and that you visit the physical office before any transactions. This will help with follow up in case the importers don’t fulfill their duties.

Ask About Time Frame

The car importation process takes about 6 – 8 weeks to be completed. However, the faster the process, the better. A good car importer will give you a clear timeline of when the car will be imported and delivered to you. Some car importers might even take a shorter time since they are more experienced and have a presence in the field. However, you should be wary of importers who claim they can deliver within 3 weeks as this is not practical.

Check The Condition Of The Car

Some car importers will put pictures of a different car on their website to entice the buyer. To ensure that what you see is what you get, ask to see more pictures. If the car is the one they’re selling, they should have more pictures of it. you can also ask for the auction sheet which will state the exact condition of the car.

Read Their Insurance Cover Policy

Though it’s important for car importers to offer marine insurance cover, some of them don’t. This cover protects their shipment while at sea in case of damage or loss. If the importers don’t offer this kind of cover, the buyer will not be compensated in case their vehicle is damaged or lost at sea. Therefore, you should never overlook such insurance covers when choosing an importer.

Enquire About Financing Options

Getting financial assistance for importing a car isn’t easy in Kenya. Most banks don’t offer loans for car importation forcing the buyer to dig deep into their pocket to finance the purchase. Some car importers, like World Navi, have stepped up to offer their customers financing options for their services by partnering with banks. This eases the burden on potential buyers making importation more favorable for them.

Ask About The Clearing Process

The clearing process is usually the most nerve-racking for both the car importers and the buyers. As a buyer, you need to know if the importer can handle the clearing process without incurring unnecessary costs to you. Good car importers should have a clearing agent at the port to ensure that nothing in the car is tampered with such as the stereo, rims, mats and in extreme cases, side mirrors.

Check out How To Know The Best Car Importers From Japan