Mitsubishi Grandis for Sale in Kenya
We’ve put together a collection of the best Mitsubishi Grandis for sale in Kenya by dealers and individual sellers. All cars are genuine and all sellers are vetted.
To buy the Mitsubishi Grandis in Kenya, visit our marketplace: Or see the list of cars for sale at the bottom of this page.

Mitsubishi Grandis
Mitsubishi Grandis Review
The Mitsubishi Grandis is a 7-seater minivan that was in production from 2003 to 2013 and it was a successor to the Mitsubishi Chariot Grandis. It never achieved popularity in Kenya and very few units were sold here. This is largely attributed to the dominance of Toyota and Nissan alternatives that tend to overshadow their competitors. It competes with the Toyota Wish, Subaru Exiga, Nissan Lafesta, Honda Stream and Mazda Premacy. Read the full Mitsubishi Grandis Review