Mitsubishi Rosa for Sale in Kenya

We’ve put together a collection of the best Mitsubishi Rosa for sale in Kenya by dealers and individual sellers. All cars are genuine and all sellers are vetted.

To buy the Mitsubishi Rosa in Kenya, visit our marketplace:, Or see the list of cars for sale at the bottom of this page.

Mitsubishi Rosa

Mitsubishi Rosa Review

The Mitsubishi Rosa is a line of medium-sized buses that have been in production since the 1960s and was initially known as the Mitsubishi Light Bus. In Kenya, the Rosa is more popular with corporate transport as opposed to public transport and it’s regarded as a comfortable and safe commercial transport vehicle. It faces stiff competition from locally assembled buses that are based on Isuzu and Mitsubishi truck frames. Nevertheless, the Rosa is an excellent bus for those in need of a safe mass transport vehicle that meets international standards. Other alternatives you can consider include, the Toyota Hiace, Nissan Caravan, Toyota Hino and Scania Buses. Read the full Mitsubishi Rosa Review