Toyota Mark X for Sale in Kenya
We’ve put together a collection of the best Toyota Mark X for sale in Kenya by dealers and individual sellers. All cars are genuine and all sellers are vetted.
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Toyota Mark X
Read the Toyota Mark X Review
The Toyota Mark X is a very powerful car, the 250G blasts from 0-100km/h in 7.9 sec. That 314 horsepower under the hood combined with its mass(1550Kg), requires good braking, but unfortunately, this is an area the Mark X 250G falls short. During hard braking, the car feels strained under its weight and takes time to stop. Under normal driving, this should not be a problem, but any enthusiastic driving or racing exposes the car to this weakness. The Mark X 350S and the Premium do not seem to suffer from this problem.
Stability-wise, the Mark X is a wide car with a low center of gravity and therefore stable on the road. Read the full Toyota Mark X Review