Mazda Familia for Sale in Kenya

We’ve put together a collection of the best Mazda Familia Cars for sale in Kenya by dealers and individual sellers. All cars are genuine and all sellers are vetted.

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Mazda Familia in Kenya

Mazda Familia 9th Generation

Mazda Familia Review

The Mazda Familia is a long running car that has been in production for many years starting from 1963 to present. Initially it was produced in-house by Mazda but from 1994, it has been based on other car models from Nissan and Toyota. From 1994 to 2018, it was based on the Nissan Advan and from 2018 to present, it’s based on the Toyota Probox. The Mazda Familia is not a popular car in the Kenyan and most buyers prefer either the Wingroad or the Probox. Read the full Mazda Familia Review