Subaru Impreza Kenya: Reviews, Price, Specifications
Subaru Impreza Reviews
The Impreza has changed by leaps and bounds. The cabin is spacious and modern with a blend of materials such as metal, leather and fabric that give it a touch of luxury. The instrument panel is furnished with LCD displays and switches that are sharp and crystal clear both in daytime and nighttime.
The seats are set at a higher position than previous models providing for a good view of the road and easy entry and exit. The legroom has improved greatly and both rows are sufficiently supplied with space.
The body size has not changed much except the wheelbase that increased by 25mm. Visually it looks sleeker with a sharper front and flat rear for the hatchback. Higher grades come with 17-Inch alloy rims and fog lights. Read the full Subaru Impreza Review
Subaru Impreza Prices in Kenya: Subaru Impreza Price and Cars for Sale in Kenya