Toyota Hino Import from Japan

Cost of Importing a Toyota Hino from Japan to Kenya

To enquire the price of Importing Hino Trucks to Kenya, please write to [email protected] or fill this form and we get back to you with the quotation.

Toyota Hino Price


Benefits of Importing the Toyota Hino for yourself

  1. You save money – It’s cheaper to import the Toyota Hino than to buy it locally
  2. You get a wider choice of cars to select from – When importing from Japan, the selection is wide and you get to specify things such as color, interior trim, rims, sunroof etc.
  3. You get a clean car – When you import the car for yourself, you get to specify the grade you want, the mileage and the overall condition of the car.
  4. You get an accident free car – The transparency in Japan is very high and you will have access to the car’s history before you buy. Read more benefits of importing your car

Toyota Hino Review

The Hino Motors Ltd. is a Japanese company that manufactures commercial vehicles mainly trucks and buses. It’s a consolidated subsidiary of Toyota and is one of the largest truck and bus manufacturer in Japan. In Kenya, Hino made a late entry having been overtaken by Mitsubishi and Isuzu. In Kenya, brand new Hino trucks and buses are sold by Toyota Kenya, used options can be imported through reliable second hand car importers.

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