Toyota Kluger for Sale in Kenya

We’ve put together a collection of the best Toyota Kluger cars for sale in Kenya by dealers and individual sellers. All cars are genuine and all sellers are vetted. To buy the Toyota Kluger, Visit:

Toyota Kluger Price

Toyota Kluger

Read the Toyota Kluger Review 

The first generation Toyota Kluger that was in production from 2000 to 2007 was more popular in the Kenyan market due to its availability in the Japanese domestic market. Its production in Japan ended in 2007 and consequently its availability in Kenya dried up. It was replaced by the equally capable Toyota Vanguard although many buyers still preferred the Kluger. It continues to be produced for other markets such as North America where it’s known as the Toyota Highlander and Australia where it’s still known as the Toyota Kluger.

The best market to import the Kluger from is Australia. If you want to import the Toyota Kluger to Kenya, write to us: [email protected] and we will import for you.

Other alternatives you can consider buying in Kenya include, the Toyota VanguardToyota HarrierMitsubishi OutlanderNissan X-Trail and Mazda CX-5

Click here to kicksart the importation process.